
30-Minute Meals Cooking Class – March 8, 2012

Asparagus-Leek Risotto from 2011 Quick Meals Class

OK, Rachel Ray I’m not, but I worked for McCall’s Magazine in the good ‘ole days, where the Food Editors, Barbara Chernetz and Marianne Langan were always trying to nibble at the time it takes to get dinner on the family table.  The 20 and 30-minute meals were some of the most popular and most loved recipes that went on to be reprinted in McCall’s cookbooks and enter my repertoire of quick, fresh delicious meals.

So on Thursday, March 8 at our Cooking Class I’ll be sharing with you some of my favorites that I’m still cooking some 10-20 years later and throw in some new ones I’ve found through my research from the piles of cookbooks and magazines I sift through.

If these sound good to you, sign up for the class on Thursday, March 8 held 6:00 – 9:00 at the Holy Nativity Community Hall in Westchester and learn to make healthy, fresh meals in a Flash!   Once we complete the cooking, sit down and enjoy a meal you and your new friends made together with a glass of wine.

Cooking Class fee $40 when you reserve by March 5, $45 at the door.   To reserve your spot,  email Patricia@FreshFoodinaFlash.com.  Then write a check to “Fresh Food in a Flash”; mail it to Holy Nativity Episcopal Church, Cooking Class, 6700 West  83rd Street, Westchester, CA  90045.

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