
Garden to Table Cooking Class, August 9, 2012

My first tomatoes, seeded by compost popped up unexpectedly. Surprise!

I’ve been watching tomatoes grow all over my yard.  Last week I enjoyed the first fruit they birthed.  My tomatoes sprouted up in unusal places, seeding themselves from the compost I used to plant my spring flowers and vegetables.

The squash blossoms – perfect for stuffing – are plentiful in my garden!

The squash plants are yielding squash blossoms that I’m tempted to stuff with some goodies or maybe wait until they grow into full fledge vegetables.  Although after speaking with the farmer at the Culver City Market yesterday, he assured me I can use the squash blossom flowers and fruit will stem from the plant separately.

Thumbelina tomatoes growing next to my Plumeria tree.

I’m hoping for a bumper crop of my tomatoes and zucchini/summer squash, so I’m planning some new recipes that we can try together at our Garden to Table Cooking Class.  Whether you have a garden full of fresh vegetables or you enjoy a weekly visit to the wonderful Farmer’s Markets all over Los Angeles, this class is for you.

Heirlooom tomatoes at the Culver City Farmer’s Market

Join us on Thursday, August 9, 6:00 – 9:00 at the Holy Nativity Community Hall in Westchester when we’ll cook with all these fragrant and delicious fruits and veggies.  Here’s what’s on our menu:

Cooking Class fee $40 when you reserve by August 6, $45 at the door. To reserve your spot, email Patricia@FreshFoodinaFlash.com. Then write a check to “Fresh Food in a Flash”; mail it to Holy Nativity Episcopal Church, Cooking Class, 6700 West 83rd Street, Westchester, CA 90045.

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