Italian Farro Salad with Favas or Soybeans is October Unprocessed featured recipe
Andrew Wilder from www.EatingRules.com has embarked on an impressive challenge for the month of October. He’s asked his readers to take a pledge for the month of October to eat only unprocessed foods. He asked himself this same question three years ago. “What would happen if I went for an entire month without eating any processed foods? This is the third year he’s thrown out this challenge and this year, he has over 6,000 takers, including yours truly.
So you ask, What is the difference between processed and unprocessed foods? Here’s his definition: “Unprocessed food is any food that could be made by a person with reasonable skill in a home kitchen with whole-food ingredients.” Since I am a “make from scratch” kind of Chef, this was not a stretch for me. “Fresh Food in a Flash” is all about that. I love to cook, shop at the Farmer’s Markets and eat fresh foods. OK, don’t take away the sugar jar from me…not that I can’t live without it, but I deem a little made from scratch baked goods a worthy use of calories…see my recent Caramelized Apples and Pumpkin Muffin post. But I am totally on board with eliminating any food that has a long list of ingredients on the label that I can’t even pronounce. To me, that just doesn’t even sound tasty…and taste is what I’m after when something enters my mouth. In fact, I want to experience food with all my senses…taste, smell, touch, eyes, ears and the emotion it evokes.
Take a look at my guest post on www.EatingRules.com. Andrew has featured my Italian Farro Salad with Favas or Soybeans that we made in our 30-Minute Meals Cooking Class. While you are there, wander through the 60 or more guest posts that Andrew has posted during October to get some unprocessed recipe ideas, and hey, sign up to take the “October Unprocessed Challenge”. It’s never too late and with the holidays looming on our doorstep, it may be just the push you need to save you from another New Year’s Resolution.
We welcome your feedback.