
Holiday Cookies Baking Class – December 14, 2013

Santa 12-11I haven’t even shopped for our Thanksgiving meal, but I’m talking about Christmas Cookies already.  It’s an annual tradition.  Saturday, December 14 will be our 10th annual of baking cookies as a group at the Holy Nativity Community Hall in Westchester.   There’s always been flour, sugar, butter and kids.  The kids are what make it special – watching as maybe they make their very first Christmas cookie ever – decorating the sugar cookies as only a child can. 

Kids-Chef 12-12So join us Saturday, December 14, 12:30 – 4:30 for an afternoon of holidaying, some hot apple cider and baking up at least 1000 cookies to share.  I’ve decided to go back into the archives and resurrect “the best of” the cookies we’ve made over the past nine years.  It turns out it was difficult to choose only eight recipes – like leaving out a child from the Christmas pageant.  Here is the 2013 line-up.
  1. Striped Mint Shortbread (2005)  So pretty!
  2. Turtle Bars (2005) enough said!
  3. Thumbprint Cookies (2004) with a cherry in the middle – so festive!
  4. Cashew Drops (2013)  I snuck in a new one a friend shared last December
  5. Sugar Cookies (every year) – Cutouts for the kids to decorate
  6. Microwave Fudge Sampler (2008) 3 flavors from one recipe! – Chocolate-Walnut, Peanut Butter, Pistachio-Craisin
  7. Gingerbread Drops (2010)
  8. Russian Teacakes or Mexican Wedding Cakes (2004)  – Snowballs that everyone loves!

Bring your apron, cookie tin and the kids for an afternoon of baking and holidaying.  We will have a table where the kids will decorate their very own cookies to take home.    You will go home with a plate of cookies that you and your friends have baked together along with recipes for baking at home.  Click here to see pictures from last year’s Cookie class. 

Class fee $40 when you reserve by December 10 , $45 at the door.  Kids under 12 Free when accompanied by an adult – one child per paid adult.  To reserve your spot,  email Patricia@FreshFoodinaFlash.com .  Then write a check to “Fresh Food in a Flash”; mail it to Holy Nativity Episcopal Church, Cooking Class,  6700 West  83rd Street, Westchester, CA  90045.

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