How to Roast and Stuff a Turkey in a Convection Oven
Roast Turkey with Fruit Stuffing Thaw Frozen Turkey: 3 days in refrigerator Prep 60 mins Roast 3 hours Eat 4 hours Roasting a turkey in a convection oven has its advantages. The turkey cook...
ReadmoreChicken Satay Burgers with Cucumber Salsa
Prep 15 mins Cook 8 mins Eat 23 mins Chicken Satay Burger Burgers are the ultimate summer food. Fire up the barbecue. A little char, a little smoke and you have a fantastic meal in your hand...
ReadmoreCassolita: Moroccan Butternut Squash with Caramelized Onions
Cassolita: Moroccan Squash with Caramelized Onions Prep 10 mins Cook 30 mins Eat 40 mins Sometimes cooking a dish sends me into another orbit - in this case, Morocco. I find myself wanting ...
ReadmoreThrow a Pizza Party with a one-minute pizza dough.
Prep 1 min Rise 30+ mins Bake 6 mins Eat 37 mins Béchamel Sauce: Prep 10 mins Use in recipes 10 mins Take a look at the fabulous pizzas we made in our Pizza Party Cooking Class! Armed w...
ReadmorePakoras = Indian Veggies fried in a Garbanzo Bean Batter
Pakoras: Prep 30 mins Cook 5 mins Eat 35 mins Mint Chutney: Prep 10 mins Eat 10 mins Tamarind Sauce: Prep 2 mins Cook 8 mins Eat 10 mins Pakoras were new to me. They have the dre...
ReadmoreTurkey Stock from your Holiday Turkey…10 minutes hands-on time.
Prep 10 mins Cook & Wait 3 1/2 hours Ready 3:40 Don't throw away those turkey bones. Those turkey bones or chicken bones and giblets that are headed for the trash can are valuable s...
ReadmoreA Tamale Party – Fresh Food in a Flash Style!
Prep 30 mins Cook 30-40 mins Eat 60 mins. May 5 is Cinco de Mayo - a Mexican Celebration Day here in Southern California. Here's an idea! Have a Tamale Party! A Tamale Making Party is so much...
ReadmoreCompare this Tequila Chicken Fettuccine to CPK’s
Tequila Chicken Fettuccine Prep 10 mins Cook 20 mins Eat 30 mins Who doesn't love the idea of Tequila Chicken Fettuccine. California Pizza Kitchen has this dish on their menu and I think my...
ReadmoreTortilla Espanola with Chorizo and Paprika Allioli
Tortilla Espanola with Chorizo, aka Spanish Tortilla Prep 15 mins Cook 30 mins Eat 45 mins I am happy to claim the Tortilla Espanola as my favorite tapa. The team of Karen and Marty did an e...
ReadmoreYam & Carrot Latkes topped with Peanut Sauce
Yam and Carrot Latkes topped with Peanut Sauce Prep 20 mins Cook 10 mins Eat 30 mins Since it's Hanukkah, I've been seeing a lot of latkes on the blogs and in the news. I was going to a hol...