
A fresh new “Fresh Food in a Flash”


Food in a Flash LogoI’ve been on hiatus for a couple weeks while I refreshed and redesigned my website and blog, Fresh Food in a Flash.  I hope you like the results.  Easier navigation, more entry points into popular and seasonal posts pictured at the top of each page.  I’d love to get your feedback.

True to my roots as a 20-year veteran in advertising sales, I’ve added advertising spots.  Nothing fancy, just a banner and some skyscraper spots which I hope will generate a little revenue.  Monetize is the word on most food bloggers minds these days.  Still bringing you free content to help you learn to make Fresh Food in a Flash, but jazzed up a bit.  If you would like to advertise your products on my blog, I can offer you a very low out of pocket and efficient ad buy.  Email me Patricia@FreshFoodinaFlash.com for more details.

I want to publicly thank the top ten who have helped me on this food blog journey over the past three years. that have led to this redesign. Perhaps they can help you on your own blogging journey.  Check out the websites of these brilliant professionals.

If you've attended Camp Blogaway, you know what "knockers up" means.

If you’ve attended Camp Blogaway, you know what “knockers up” means.

1. Patti Londre of Camp Blogaway and “Worth the Whisk” who inspired me to create a food blog.  After attending her food blogger conference for the past few years in the Big Bear Mountains, I have had a long “to do” list, which included this redesign.  I get to check that one off the list now.

2. Cathy Arkle, graphic artist of “She Paused for Thought“, who reworked my Fresh Food in a Flash logo late last year, which set the whole redesign in motion.

3. Lucy Beer of Web Training Wheels, who moved my blog from WordPress.com to self-hosting it on Wordpress.org.  She directed me to ThemeForest to find a new blog theme and then patiently worked with me every step of the way until the launch of the redesign.

4. Lynn Hemer of “Cook and Be Merry“, who has inspired, taught and shared with me her Photoshop and photography secrets, even though mine will never hold a candle to hers.

5. Christina Peters of MDR Photography Classes, a professional food photographer who’s Studio Light Food Photography was the right class for me at the right time.  She pushed me to use a tripod and taught me the mantra, “Back up and zoom in”.  The learning curve on photography never ends!

6. Denise Vivaldo, food stylist and teacher, who not only taught me in culinary school at UCLA Extension some 15 years ago, but now shares her food styling wisdom to all the Food Bloggers of Los Angeles with a healthy dose of humor.

7 & 8.Erica Kerekes of “In Erikas Kitchen” and Not Ketchup and Dorothy Reinhold of “Shockingly Delicious“, fellow bloggers, who capably spearhead many of our Food Bloggers of Los Angeles monthly meetings where food bloggers share knowledge that I have soaked in like a sponge.

9. My Sous Chef, Hannah. The greatest compliment is to have taught and watched this 12-year old turn into a fabulous 15-year old, who now owns her own Cuisinart and who is raking in compliments for her own cooking.  Her family members have all thanked me for teaching Hannah. I thank them for having her generous help in all my cooking classes.

10. My cooking class students. This group inspires me to stay on track and continue to explore new foods and cooking techniques that I can share with others. Although I call myself the cooking teacher, I am constantly taught new ideas, learning from mistakes including rescuing recipes and the art of patience as my team of recipe testers trains me to be better at what I do.  Come join us, eat well and party hearty.

There are certainly many more who have helped me on this food blogger journey. To all these people, I heartily thank you.

I hope you will subscribe to my weekly posts (see right column), come back and visit often to read about more of my food adventures and learn how you can make Fresh Food in a Flash.


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