
Holiday Cookie Baking Class – December 13, 2014

Cranberry Orange Walnut Cookies

Cranberry Orange Walnut Cookies

As December approaches, we begin to plan for the holidays and holiday traditions like baking cookies.  Baking cookies with children is “da best”.  It takes you right back to your own childhood and the playful side of life.  Our Holiday Cookie Baking Class held on Saturday, December 13 at the Holy Nativity Community Hall is not a serious endeavor.  It is all about sharing, playing, laughing and baking together over 1000 cookies with the kids.  Eight different recipes.  Watching the kids decorate their cookies as only a child can.  Seeing their creativity touches my heart with joy.  So bring the kids for this event. One child under 12 can join us for free when accompanied by an adult. Details below.

That doesn’t mean we don’t bake serious cookies.  We do.  Every year I come up with eight new recipes.  The sugar cutout cookies are a perennial favorite, but every year they take on different personalities from our young bakers who put their hearts and souls into their beautiful creations.  Then there are the seven others.  Always something new and interesting, new twists on old favorites.  Everyone will bring home their own plate of cookies, so bring a cookie tin for a sampling of them all.

Here’s the line-up for this years cookies:

  • Sugar Cookies with colorful icings and decorations, decorated by our young bakers
  • Almond Cherry Biscotti
  • Peppermint Crescents
  • Cocoa Linzer Cookies
  • Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies
  • Cranberry Orange Walnut Cookies  See picture here.
  • Dorothy’s Butter Pecan Fudge from Shockingly Delicious
  • Lime Coconut Kisses

Patricia K. Rose, of Fresh Food in a Flash will lead this hands-on cooking class on Saturday, December 13, 2014, 12:30 – 4:30 at the Holy Nativity Community Hall in Westchester. Class fee $50 when you reserve by December 8, $55 thereafter if space is available. One child under 12 can accompany an adult at no charge; second child half price. To reserve your spot,  email Patricia@FreshFoodinaFlash.com  Classes take place at the Holy Nativity Community Hall,  6700 West  83rd Street, Westchester, CA  90045.

See pictures from a previous Holiday Cookie Baking Class.  and another one.

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