
Pizza in the Outdoor Oven Cooking Class – June 14, 2018

Pizza Class at FreshFoodinaFlash.com

Pizza in the Outdoor Oven Cooking Class

Come join us Thursday, June 14, 2018 for a Pizza Party under the stars. This is a special class – part cooking class, part pizza party, part Summer Solstice party on one of the longest days of the year.  Taste these outrageous custom pies, all coming out of our beautiful “Dr. Seuss” inspired outdoor wood-fired oven at Holy Nativity.

Pizza Class at FreshFoodinaFlash.com

Fire Master Paul Morgan enjoying a balmy summer night by the Outdoor Wood-fired oven.

If you haven’t tasted a fresh made pizza out of an 800-degree oven before, you are in for a real treat. If you have, you know what I’m talking about. The pizzas cook in 90 seconds flat and have a smoky, earthy taste of charred bliss from our wood-fired oven.

Pizza Class at FreshFoodinaFlash.comMake your own custom pizza from fresh-made pizza dough and your favorite toppings, make a dessert pizza and hang out under the stars near the blazing fire with a glass of beer or wine. It’s going to be an event, so mark your calendar for June 14 and sign up today.

Pizza Class at FreshFoodinaFlash.comIn this class, you will learn how to make fresh-made pizza dough in only one minute in the food processor.  Really!  We will also discuss how to make the pizzas at home in a conventional oven.  We will top our pizzas with fresh ingredients and make a Caesar Salad to go with it.

Pizza Class at FreshFoodinaFlash.com.Here’s some of the toppings to choose from at our Pizza Party:
  • Home-made pizza sauce and pesto sauce
  • Variety of cheeses
  • Italian Sausage, Chicken or Ham
  • Fresh vegetables – zucchini, tomatoes, mushrooms, bell peppers
  • Artichoke Hearts, anchovies and olives
  • Fresh herbs to top them when hot – basil, oregano, arugula
  • Chocolate and fruit with a little sugar to stuff inside a dessert pizza!
Pizza Class #1063 6-18and to go with it:
  • Caesar Salad
  • Beer and Wine


Patricia K. Rose, of Fresh Food in a Flash, will lead this hands-on cooking class on Thursday, June 14, 2018, 6:00-9:30 at the newly remodeled Holy Nativity Community Hall in Westchester. Once we complete the cooking, sit down and enjoy a meal you and your new friends made together with a glass of wine or beer.

Cooking Class fee $55 when you reserve by June 11, $65 thereafter if space available. To reserve your spot, email Patricia@FreshFoodinaFlash.com.  Classes take place at Holy Nativity Community Hall, 6700 West 83rd Street, Westchester, CA 90045.

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