
Easy Barbecue Ribs top Summer Favorites

Ribs stacked 7-12I tried to drive into Costco on the 3rd of July and quickly realized I would not find a parking space, so I left asap.  What was I thinking!  I wanted to purchase some ribs to make on the weekend – not for the 4th.  So I went back on the 5th after things had calmed down to get a package of Swift Premium St. Louis-style ribs to make these almost famous Best-Ever ribs that I found in Bon Appetit magazine.  Watch out Famous Dave’s!  If you love pork ribs and want them fast, you’ve gotta try these.  10-20 minutes prep time and 3 hours in the oven.

Barbecue Ribs recipe at FreshFoodinaFlash.comWe’ve been having a lot of beach/sailing time and I knew these would be a treat and quick to get on the table after a day on the water.  So, don’t laugh, I prepped them in ten minutes the night before, put them in the oven and then went to bed.  They baked untouched for three hours, while I slept away.  I set my iPhone for 1:30 am, woke up, put them in the fridge, went back to bed and they were perfect heated up on the grill the next day.  Slather on some home-made barbecue sauce and we are talking fall off the bone barbecue goodness.

Southwest Quinoa Salad - an easy picnic favorite

Southwest Quinoa Salad – an easy picnic favorite

This was a great outdoor patio meal eaten with some leftover Southwest Quinoa Salad I brought to a 4th of July party. This dish contains everyone’s favorite ingredients all rolled into one with a tangy Chile-Lime Vinaigrette.

Fresh Lemonade is a must for summer!

Fresh Lemonade is a must for summer!

You could round out this meal with some fresh made Lemonade made with filtered water and fresh lemons off your tree if you are as lucky as me to have one!   Muddle in some fresh mint for an added twist. I came up with this simple recipe for Fiji Water at Camp Blogaway a couple years ago.

Grilled Pineapple wedges with Caramel Sauce

Grilled Pineapple wedges with Caramel Sauce

And then if you want your grill to work overtime, throw on some pineapple wedges for an easy dessert and drizzle on some home-made caramel sauce that is easily made ahead and stored in the fridge.

I relish my summer – I’m a bit of a water baby, and can’t get enough, so it’s gotta be Fresh Food in a Flash come summer for me.

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