
The Argonaut newspaper features our Los Angeles cooking classes.

The Argonaut Newspaper serves Westchester to Santa Monica neighborhoods in Los Angeles.

The Argonaut Newspaper serves Westside neighborhoods in Los Angeles.

Patricia Rose travels the world through her Westchester cooking classes.  That’s what the Argonaut newspaper wrote after interviewing me for the story in this week’s issue serving the local Westchester to Santa Monica audience in the Los Angeles area.

Dishes with a dash of culture.

Dishes with a dash of culture.

I was thrilled to have our cooking classes at the Holy Nativity Community Hall featured this week in the Argonaut newspaper.  Have a look.   http://argonautnews.com/dishes-with-a-dash-of-culture/  The picture in the story came from our Soups, Stews and Bread class last January.

Journalist Michael Aushenker highlighted the menu from our “A Taste of Asia” cooking class coming up this week, February 6, 2014.   I really appreciated him spreading the word about our educational and entertaining cooking classes.   His writing style and the insight he had into what we do in the classes was spot on.

“For Westchester cooking instructor and culinary blogger Patricia Rose, food is a passport to travel the world.”

“You learn so much about history and why we eat the things we eat,” Rose said of studying food. “I try to incorporate a little of that history into the class.”

“Rose, who is determined “to teach people that cooking is easy and fun,” said students who are newcomers to the kitchen should not be intimidated.”

“Sometimes we have mistakes,” she said. “Sometimes that’s the best learning experience when you rescue the mistake.”

For more information on our Cooking Classes at the Holy Nativity Community Hall in Westchester, click here.  To sign up for the “A Taste of Asia Cooking Class on Thursday, February 6, email  Patricia@FreshFoodinaFlash.com.

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