Chocolate Souffles for Two or More
Chocolate Souffles for Two Prep 30 mins Bake 15 mins Eat 45 mins It's Valentine's Day, so make something chocolaty and sweet for your Valentine. Chocolate Souffles. I know it sounds diffic...
ReadmoreEveryday Chinese Cooking Class – March 9, 2017
Dan Dan Noodles I am really excited for our next cooking class, The Everyday Chinese Cooking Class on Thursday, March 9, 2017, 6:00 - 9:30 pm at the Holy Nativity Community Hall. If you like authe...
ReadmoreFried Okra finally gets some respect!
Fried Okra Prep 3 mins Cook 5 mins Eat 8 mins Okra - the perfect vegetable choice when you want food on the a Flash. Have it ready in only 8 minutes. If you aren't from the south...
ReadmoreChicken and Sausage Gumbo will warm up your Mardi Gras
Chicken and Sausage Gumbo, Cajun Style Prep 15 mins Cook 1:35 Eat 1:35 This Cajun Style Chicken and Sausage Gumbo is perfect for a Mardi Gras party or when you just need to get your gumbo on...
ReadmoreTime to clean your refrigerator; make pizza and salad!
Italian Radicchio Salad with Candy Stripe and Gold Beets and Heirloom Tomatoes. Have you looked at your refrigerator lately? I mean really look inside all the way to the back and the crevices wher...
ReadmoreCrack open your creativity with some Crackers
Crackers Gone Gourmet Prep 3 mins Let dough rise or not 30+/- mins Roll out crackers 30 mins Bake 10-15 mins Eat 60 mins or sooner Home-made crackers are in the category of "Why haven't ...
ReadmoreFrench Classics Cooking Class – February 9, 2017
Mini Chocolate Souffles As a Chef, we all channel our inner Julia Child in the kitchen. Learn to make some French Classics in this cooking class at the Holy Nativity Community Hall on February 9, 2...
ReadmoreStuffed Cremini Mushroom Caps with Pine Nuts and Goat Cheese
Stuffed Cremini Mushrooms with Pine Nuts and Goat Cheese Prep 10 mins Bake 20 mins Serve 30 mins Are you looking for a quick and easy appetizer for a holiday party? Prep these Stuffed Cremin...
ReadmoreSoups, Stews and Cracker Class – January 12, 2017
Bean, Bacon and Tomato Soup from our 2016 class. Soup's on! Start the New Year right by learning how to make some healthy, tummy warming soup at our Soups, Stews and Cracker Class on Thursday, Janu...
Readmore10 recipes to help you through the Thanksgiving meal.
Thanksgiving Turkey with Fruit Stuffing If you are making a Thanksgiving meal for the first time or just happy to have a helping hand, let me hold your hand through the process. Here's the ultimat...